Direct PO Pre-Ticketing Requirements

Required for ALL Direct Orders: 3x3 Direct SKU Label
Also required for a MAJORITY of Direct Orders: Retail Price Ticket or Label

The URBN buyer will pre-determine what Tickets/Labels are needed for each Purchase Order, which will be shown to the vendor upon release of the order in FastTrak (Fineline's system) or CheckNet (Checkpoint's system). The vendor is not responsible for choosing which Tickets/Labels to purchase or apply.

Please refer to the URBN US Dual-Ticketing Guide for instructions to Dual-Ticket Direct POs.
For BHLDN POs: Please refer to the BHLDN Pre-Ticketing Guide for instructions to pre-ticket BHLDN Direct orders.
Nuuly POs (Sell Channel = RENTAL) require Dual-Ticketing and should follow the Direct PO Pre-Ticketing Guidelines.

Please see below for which items you can expect to require both a 3x3 Direct SKU Label and a Retail Price Ticket. If you do not see your product category listed under the brand you are working with, you should ONLY need the 3x3 Direct SKU Label.

Dual-Ticketing is not required for Terrain live plants or URBN Renewal.

Reminder: When you release your order from Fineline or Checkpoint, the system will display exactly which tickets/labels you are required to order + apply. If you are required to order 3x3 Direct SKU Labels and a Retail Price Tickets or Labels, please ensure that you are selecting BOTH sets to pre-ticket the items on your PO before you complete your order

Retail Ticketing + Product Preparation for Dual-Ticketed POs:

  • All vendor tags containing manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) must be removed prior to affixing URBN tickets/labels.
  • Remove or cover existing Vendor Barcodes on product / packaging
  • If applying the URBN Retail Price Sticker over an existing vendor barcode but the URBN sticker does not completely cover the barcode, please first apply a plain white sticker to cover the barcode entirely and apply the URBN sticker on top.
  • The Retail Price Ticket or Label should be attached to the product according to the Retail PO Pre-Ticketing Requirements.

3x3 Direct SKU Label Placement Instructions & Product Packaging Requirements:

The Direct SKU Label measures 3” x 3”.

  • Apply the 3x3 Direct label associated with the PO#
  • 3x3 Direct labels differ between URBN US and EU POs, it’s critical only US 3x3 Direct labels be applied to US POs should you fulfill product to both regions.
  • Product packaging requirements to accommodate the Direct SKU Label:
    • The outer product packaging of each individual unit must have a surface area that will accommodate the size of this label.
    • If the individual item is packed in a non-decorative box that is large enough to accommodate the size of the Direct Label, a polybag is not required. The Direct Label should be placed on the center bottom of the box.
    • If the individual item is packed in a non-decorative box that is too small to accommodate the Direct Label, it is permitted to fold the label for it to fit the largest side of the package. Do not fold barcode.
    • If the individual item is packed in a decorative box or is loose (not packed in a box), each individual unit MUST be placed in a polybag to accommodate the Direct Label.
      • All merchandise that is shipped in a polybag with an opening greater than 5” needs to have a warning label on the bag that states the following (or something similar): Warning: To avoid danger of suffocation, keep away from babies and children. Do not use in cribs, beds, carriages or play pens. THIS BAG IS NOT A TOY.
      • For items packed in a polybag, the Direct Label must be placed on the center back of each individual polybag.
        • Do not cover Polybag suffocation warning (if applicable). If the warning is preprinted on the center back of the polybag where the label should be placed, put the Direct Label directly above or below the warning.
  • For tubular shaped products, such as posters and maps, the Direct Label must be placed with the barcode running lengthwise with the tube.
  • For all home product packaged in an individual box, the direct SKU label needs to be placed on the top of the packaging (inner carton), so that the label is facing up when conveyed.
  • For large home product or housewares where 1 unit is packed per Master Shipping Carton, apply the Direct Label on the front facing side of the Shipping Carton.
  • Do not cover warning, safety or important product information (including Country of Origin)
  • It is critical that the Retail Price Ticket/Label is not showing through the polybag on the same side as the Direct Label. The two barcodes should be on opposite sides of the polybag, so that the retail barcode does not interfere with scanning the Direct Label barcode.
  • Please refer to the URBN US Dual-Ticketing Guide for additional information and visuals to Dual-Ticket and package product appropriately based on product type.

Additional URBN Brand + Order Specific Requirements:

Anthropologie & Weddings

Anthropologie Weddings - Direct Channel Orders - Classes 2110, 2130:
Anthro Weddings Direct Channel PO’s for classes 2110 and 2130 require a “return tag” to be ordered and attached to garments by the vendor prior to shipping.
Retail POs for the above classes do not require a return tag. Please be sure to check the “Channel” on your PO to determine if it is Retail or Direct.

  • The return tag should be placed on the outside of the garment, ideally at the wearer’s bodice right side seam.
  • The tag should be attached with a swift tack attachment, through the side seam, and not through the actual fabric.
  • For instructions to order return tags from our Service Bureaus, please see below. You will order these tags from the Catalog. Please order catalog item BHDNR.
    • Fineline Catalog Ordering Instructions, PG 11
    • Checkpoint Catalog Ordering Instructions, PG 19

Anthropologie Direct Channel-Exclusive POs - Classes 4130, 4428, & 4928:
Anthropologie Direct Channel Exclusive POs for the above classes require a “return tag” to be ordered and attached to garments by the vendor prior to shipping.

  • The return tag should be placed on the outside of the garment, ideally at the wearer’s bodice right side seam.
  • The tag should be attached with a swift tack attachment, through the side seam, and not through the actual fabric.
  • You will release this return tag to be printed along with your barcode tickets. There will be no added steps to ordering this additional ticket.

Please note: It is at the buyer’s discretion to waive the return tag requirement for any POs raised to the below classes. If your PO does not include the return tag on FastTrak or CheckNet and you believe it should, please contact your buyer.


Free People

Free People - RFID Requirements:
Effective June 24, 2024 - All Free People POs shipping to the US and UK/EU will require RFID Tickets/Labels. All FP POs will automatically be transmitted to the Service Bureau with the required RFID Tickets/Labels. Vendors are to refer to the RFID Handling Guidance to ensure RFID Tickets/Labels are not damaged during application.

Free People Orders - Class 8131:
Free People POs for class 8131 requires a “return warning tag” to be ordered and attached to garments by the vendor prior to shipping.

  • The location of barcode/price tag WILL NOT CHANGE and should continue to be hung as usual on the left hand side of the dress.
  • The return warning tag should be attached on the right hand side of the dress on the OPPOSITE SIDE of the barcode/price tag.
  • You will release this return tag to be printed along with your barcode tickets. There will be no added steps to ordering this additional ticket.

Pre-Ticketing Requirements for SETS

Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters Apparel SETS Ticketing:
A "Set" where 2 or 3 piece articles of clothing are sold together as a single item will require the Set Ticket Type.

  • The buying team will raise your Purchase Order with the required Sets Ticket Type.
    • You will receive 2 or 3 hangtags per unit depending on a 2 or 3 piece set.
    • Only ONE hangtag per unit will include a barcode. The remaining 1 or 2 hangtags will not include a barcode.

Hangtag Placement for Sets:

2-Piece Sets:

  • Affix the Retail hangtag with barcode at the center back neck where label is located.
  • Place the hangtag without a barcode to the center back label of the bottom piece.

3-Piece Sets:

  • Affix the retail hangtag with barcode at the center back neck where label is located.
  • Place the tickets without barcodes to the center back label of the remaining pieces.

Free People SETS Ticketing:
When 2 or 3 piece articles of clothing are sold together as a single item (SKU), it is considered a “Set”.

Free People vendors will receive one Retail Price Ticket for the entire set. The ticket should be applied to the main top garment.
Once ticketed, the entire set should be placed together inside one polybag.