Customs Descriptions - Required for ALL Vendors

A critical URBN initiative is ensuring all product – whether purchased domestically or internationally – includes the following:

  • Customs Description – a description of the goods clearly defining the item for Customs
  • HTS # – the “Harmonized Tariff” code that classifies the item for Customs

Note - The URBN Vendor is responsible for entering the customs descriptions in the Enter Customs Description query as soon as soon as possible after accepting the Purchase Order. This must be completed prior to shipment. However, if your shipment style requires a test report, please enter the customs description at least 30 days prior to the initial Purchase Order Ship Date upon receiving the fiber content test report.

The URBN Customs Compliance Team (not Vendor) is responsible for entering the HTS codes after the Vendor has entered an acceptable customs description. The original customs description entered by the Vendor may be revised to better reflect the HTS code entered by the URBN team.

Styles are visible in the "Enter Customs Description" & "Revise Customs Description" query 120 days prior to the Ship Date and 90 days after.

Please refer to the following training video for instructions to enter (or revise) Customs Descriptions in Tradestone. Additional written instructions are also included in the Tradestone User Manual.

Requirements for what to enter as the Customs Description are determined by product category and advised below.

Note - A customs description must be entered for each style using the “Enter Customs Descriptions” query, but a customs description only has to be entered once per style. You will only need to use the “Revise Customs Descriptions” query should you need to revise/update the customs description for a style – styles populating in this query do not indicate that a revision is required by URBN.

Please be advised, the following Customs Descriptions page/PDF may be updated – if you choose to print the PDF, you may still need to refer to updated information posted here.

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