Shipping via GAP DC, USA

For shipments from the US only, please ensure you complete the Shipper's Letter of Instruction (SLI) here! An SLI is a document which provides shipping instructions to the freight forwarder to ensure accurate and correct movement of the products across borders. Please refer to the SLI Guide here for help in completing this.

For those vendors shipping to the UK with a handover point of our GAP DC in the U.S, you will be responsible for the transport of goods to the GAP, URBN distribution centre and shipping costs.

Please therefore follow the below guidance on our U.S Vendor Website to ship the goods to GAP as there are certain requirements that must be followed:

The goods will then be consolidated and shipped via Ocean to the UK.

Handover Location (Place of Handover on PO):

Gap Retail DC (GAP)
755 Brackbill Rd.
Gap, PA 17527

Monday – Friday, 7:00 am – 2:00 pm EST

Your approved and accepted Tradestone PO and Invoice will be on FOB terms. If you see anything else, please reach out to your buyer.

FOB – International shipments where URBN is the Importer of Record. The URBN Vendor delivers the goods to the GAP DC as per the Tradestone accepted PO and clears the goods for export. The risk of loss or damage to the goods passes to URBN when the goods are received at GAP. Please obtain proof of delivery to the facility.

*For further advice on POs shipping to an URBN UK/EU Fulfilment Centre, please follow the appropriate routing guide within the Shipping Information section of the EU Vendor Website.

*As a Vendor handing over at GAP, you will not be required to Vendor book in Ligentia's Portal, Ligentix.